Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Welcome Back

Welcome back to all who read this blog. It's been a while. To say Shannon, Kelsie, and I have had a good time would be an understatement. It would be an understatement of scope, not merely quality. This is because the most powerful, valuable, amazing thing on earth is time. We had time. Maybe this is something you need. Time is a great gift from God. Many people these days are losing their jobs and finding something wonderful that comes with it: time. Nothing can take time's place. Everything important in life happens in the context of time. Love, forgiveness, faith, vision, and truth are all things that grow in the soil of time and all things that suffer for a lack of time. In a world of time-saving devices that consume our time, it was nice to be given this gift of time. If I can call my sabbatical a success, it is because I didn't squander this gift. God helped me know what it was. He helped me know its value. My one and only life is made up of time, and time is a gift that runs out. May God help us all today to make the most of our time. Thanks for reading. It's good to be back. Let's restart our conversation.