Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Pursuit of Humility

A long time ago, a mentor encouraged me to "explore humility." I've spoken about this numerous times from the pulpit. It brings at least a smile from people, if not a laugh. I smile too. When I first heard the counsel, though, I misheard it. I thought he told me to "pursue humility." This mishearing fits me, eh? So, I began the task of "pursuing humility," but was grateful when my mentor briskly corrected me. Explore, John. Don't pursue. Yesterday, I began training again for a marathon. I ran about 8 miles at a faster than normal for me pace. It wiped me out. I could feel the hills like never before. I thought, as I trudged through my last mile, almost all uphill: "Now, this is the pursuit of humility!" I think anytime we are working hard and challenged, the Holy Spirit is able to use the challenge like the finest of artists uses the finest of paints. Difficulty is the substance with which God does His greatest work in our lives. Perhaps this is why the cross is the central symbol of Christian faith. After finishing my run yesterday I felt humbled; I understood reality and knew I needed all God is to me and has for me to navigate through it. This is humility: to know I need God. I felt it. I also felt great. So, with all due respect to my mentor, I think I'll keep on pursuing humility!

1 comment:

  1. When I was young I was told I should be humble. Eh! They did not understand. I had dreams I could not explain. No hurt no foul. Someday they would understand. Thirty years later I am still pursuing my dreams but increasingly aware of being pursued by humility. Hum, for short, is catching up.
