Friday, November 28, 2008

Things Necessary for Leaders

This may end up being a series of postings. Leadership is a much talked about thing. Beyond the talk are those who actually lead and the realities they must confront. This is where the interest is. To get to it, we first have to realize that "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" are not quarterbacks at all. Many people have opinions about what the quarterback (the leader) does after he (or she) does it, but this is radically different from actually being the quarterback. Being the quarterback is all that matters. Here's where the first problem exists for many who might have potential to lead; all "Monday Morning Quarterbacks" know that they are not on the field. They are not part of the game. They don't matter to the game. Few things are more discouraging to someone who cares about football (or whatever other analogy one wants to use for any area of life) than not mattering and having no influence on the outcome of the game. Imagine now, being someone who might actually have some talent for the game still sitting in the bleachers. This is what we have in America and in the church: many people who could do more are doing nothing ... and getting sore about it. Notice the responses left after news stories on the internet. Everyone has an opinion and many are very angry. Some of the anger, I think, stems from the frustration of insignificance. People who believe they don't matter are in pain. At its worst the maxim applies: hurting people hurt people.  

There's good news, though. There is a way to turn the frustration of insignificance around without letting it eat you up on the inside. It's a simple thing to observe in the lives of those who do take action and make a difference. Instead of evaluating the world, successful people evaluate themselves. They turn this energy inward. It's one of the lessons of Paul to the Corinthians framed by two verses:

1st Corinthians 11:28 - A man ought to examine himself before he eats of the bread and drinks of the cup.

2nd Corinthians 13:5a - Examine yourselves to see whether you are in the faith ...      

An honest self-appraisal is one of first things necessary for leaders because it's one of the first things necessary for everyone. This is a tough mountain for some people to climb. Insecurity and pride block self-honesty. People who fear their insignificance tend to be dishonest with themselves in order to protect themselves. Insignificance, then, breeds and feeds on itself. If you know someone suffering like this, pray for her or him. Jesus words in John 8:32 apply here: "And ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." What an encouragement this is.

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