John Stott is right. Pride is my worst enemy and humility is my best friend. C.J. Mahaney's little book on humility has been helping me get to know my best friend. It's clear to me that pride is my worst enemy. I know this. I recently described myself in a sermon as having a "massive ego." It's true. So I recommend this book not as someone who should be seen as humble or humbler because he's a pastor who's recommending a book on humility. I struggle horribly with pride. I have an unabridged audio version of Mahaney's book too. So I'm reading and listening to it ... over and over. Pound it in Lord and deliver me to Your cross. One huge point that I've gleaned from this book so far: not even three years of one on one time with Jesus helped the disciples become humble. They competed for position in Mark 10:35-45, proving that not even the best preaching and teaching in the universe (Christ's) ever helps people get humble! Jesus had to die to change these men. It's Jesus' death on the cross that runs off my worst enemy and helps me run to my best friend. His death is my only hope. There is no problem in my life that doesn't melt into proper perspective in the life-giving light and warmth of the humility it generates. The cross proves once again to be home to my every need. Lord, I need You to change me on the inside. Lord, I need You to show me Your cross afresh today. Oppose all that is prideful within me and give grace to the humility You alone, by means of Your death on the cross alone, grant by grace alone.
Does this sound too pious? That's probably because, in my pride, I can't even speak cleanly about humility. I'm constantly looking for what sounds good and what makes me look good. I think I need to get back to reading my book on humility now. :)
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